Char Lee Dressen is a stay at home mother of seven children. She makes her home in a town at the edge of the Silicon Valley in California. When she is not ferrying children to and from work or school, she dives into her novels. Going to church and listening to preaching often times inspires stories for her books. She loves singing in the church choir and lending a helping hand whenever possible. Her unique stories are drawn or inspired by personal experiences, situations and drawing conclusions to lead readers to experience for themselves God’s faithfulness and unending, unyielding love for us all. Her strong faith has led her to share that faith through fiction writing, in the hopes that others will be inspired to forgive, love, be forgiven, and grow their faith. Her love of God, faith and family pushes her to strive for a better way. From the ashes of her life may the God who sees her as she is (broken and frail) a vessel for his use.